While holding a conference in front of the students of the University of Friborg (Switzerland) on the topic “coconut oil and other nutritional errors”, Pr Karin Michels of the School of public health of Harvard (United States) ignored undoubtedly that this one would become viral and would be seen more than 900,000 times on social networks.
The reason for this “buzz”: while coconut oil has become the new kitchen star , displaying health virtues, the doctor affirms on the contrary that it is “a pure poison” and “one of the worst foods that you can eat”.
According to Professor Michels, coconut oil is even more dangerous than lard because it almost exclusively contains saturated fatty acids, which can clog arteries coronaries.
Leave the coconut oil in the bathroom!
This is not the first time that this vegetable oil has been singled out. A year ago, the American Cardiovascular Association had not recommended for its consumption after seeing an increase in cholesterol levels in its regular consumers, as well as butter, beef fat and palm oil.
According to cardiologists, coconut oil no longer has its place in the bathroom than in the kitchen.
Read also :
Coconut oil, a little news in our grocery store
Choosing the right vegetable oils