Have you ever heard of Kiss Syndrome? About 6% of newborns would be affected by this disease which is the consequence of a “blockage” of the joints which are located between the 1st cervical vertebra and the base of the skull. We speak of “cranio-cervical dysfunction”.
Kiss syndrome: what are the causes? This joint “blockage” usually results from a difficult pregnancy (high-risk pregnancy, pregnancy badly experienced by the mother …), from a bad positioning of the fetus in the uterus, or even from a complicated childbirth (cesarean, use of forceps or suction cups …).
Kiss syndrome: osteopathy can be a solution
Kiss syndrome: what are the symptoms? Babies with Kiss syndrome can present very diverse symptoms: a silhouette inclined in C, a hyper-extension of the silhouette, difficulties to suck, regurgitations, difficult nights, crying, difficulties of development and acquisition of the walking, language … In adulthood, untreated Kiss syndrome can be the cause of migraines and / or postural pain.
When faced with a baby with Kiss syndrome, osteopathy can be a good solution. So the Dr Biedermann, German orthopedic surgeon and chiropractor has developed a protocol which consists in working manually on the blockage of the base of the skull and its consequences – blockages of the pelvis, stomach, intestine, oral cavity …
“Kiss syndrome is not taught in any osteopathic school (…) in France and yet the treatment inspired by the work of Doctor Biedermann has largely proved its worth across the Rhine. As a team, we have treated more than 5,000 children with this disease“says Dr. Larcher, osteopathic doctor, who works in collaboration with Gérard Longuet, osteopath. A lead for parents.
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