The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin have been the subject of numerous studies in animals and in vitro, with convincing results. One study in mice showed that turmeric slows the growth of cancer cells, while other work has shown that curcumin induces cancer cell death. Recent work also suggests that curcumin potentiates the effectiveness of certain drugs used in the chemotherapy, while minimizing their toxic effects. The few studies carried out in humans are also very positive.
But as always, we should not discount a miracle effect … We can however adopt the turmeric or curry (a mixture of spices, including turmeric) sprinkled with vegetables, white meats and fish fillets … The right equation: turmeric + pepper + fat. The piperine in pepper potentiates the assimilation of curcumin in the blood, while the fat will dissolve it.
What about the other spices?
Piperine from pepper, capsaicin from chili, flavones from thyme … The other spices and herbs also contain polyphenols. Also do not hesitate to use it to decorate your dishes, just like fresh herbs. “Anything that naturally gives flavor and color is good for your health,” recalls Professor Michel Crépin.