We already knew that tomato and soy are two foods that significantly reduce the risk of Prostate cancer. But here is a new dietary advice that should be of interest to men, and more particularly those who have been operated on for a tumor of the prostate. A study published today on the Jama site (Journal of the American Medical Association) shows that by changing their diet and including nuts and olive oil in their daily menus, men with prostate cancer significantly reduce their risk of relapse .
Here then, once again, the mediterranean diet shown as an example!
The beneficial effects of unsaturated fatty acids on cardiovascular health are widely known. But this new study, conducted among 4,577 men with a form of prostate cancer without metastasis, shows that olives, nuts and their derived oils also have surprising effects on the prostate!
The authors of this study found that patients who replaced 10% of their daily fat intake with unsaturated fat had a 29% reduced risk of dying from their cancer, and a 26% reduced risk of dying from cancer. cardiovascular disease. “The simple addition of a spoon of olive oil in the salad dressing reduces this risk by 29%” insists the researchers who explain that this beneficial effect is due to the fact that the unsaturated oils increase the intake of antioxidants and reduce inflammation.