Perhaps one day we will be able to donate his intestinal flora to help patients with Crohn’s disease. In any case, researchers from Saint Antoine Hospital are doing everything they can to make this eventuality a reality. They are currently testing about twenty patients a transplantation of intestinal flora (all the microorganisms located in the digestive tract).
Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory pathology of the digestive tract which manifests itself in more or less severe attacks with, among other things, pain, diarrhea and weight loss.
This chronic inflammation of the intestines is very disabling for patients. Evidenced by the photos posted on social networks by theex top model Bethany Townsend, forced to wear pockets on the stomach to receive his excrement after having undergone an ostomy (surgical deviation to evacuate the stool).
It is to improve the daily lives of patients that Dr. Harry Sokol evaluates the impact of a transplant of intestinal flora. He explains the interest of such an experiment daily for 20 minutes: “It is not a transplant as such, but the flora of one donor is introduced into the intestine of another by colonoscopy. hoping that it has a positive effect on the disease “. By giving a new intestinal flora, it could be possible to treat the inflammation of the intestine, wants to believe the doctor.
The first results are expected within 18 to 24 months. If they are positive, intestinal flora transplants could be used to treat diabetes, liver inflammation or even cardiovascular disease.
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