The government is stepping up its prevention campaign against the flu epidemic. He fears an overload of hospitals linked to patients suffering from seasonal flu, in addition to patients with Covid-19. In anticipation, he ordered more vaccines than in previous years.
The flu in France
In its weekly epidemiological report, dated October 21, 2019, Public Health France informs us that between July 2017 and June 2018, 46,215 people were hospitalized because they had flu-like symptoms. The flu epidemic occurs every year. It usually begins between the months of November and April, “most often starting at the end of December – beginning of January. It lasts on average 10 to 11 weeks”. It affects 2 to 4 million people every year in France, causing the death of 10,000 people on average. More than 90% of patients who die from it are 65 years of age and over. The best way to protect yourself is the seasonal flu shot. Vaccination should take place at least two weeks before the start of the epidemic and be repeated each year. Influenza viruses undergo genetic changes and the composition of the vaccine is adjusted accordingly, based on WHO recommendations.
For whom the flu vaccine is recommended?
The people most vulnerable to the flu are the same as for the new coronavirus. It is advisable for people over 65 to be vaccinated, pregnant women, people with chronic diseases or obesity and those staying in an after-care facility. Health professionals or in regular and prolonged contact with a fragile public are also concerned. However, anyone who wants to avoid the discomfort of seasonal flu can get the vaccine.
How can getting a flu shot help in the fight against Covid-19?
Winter flu will be faced while the Sars-Cov-2 virus is still circulating in France. In addition, a second wave of Covid-19 is feared as winter approaches. Vaccination would prevent massive influx into hospitals. This is also what 75 deputies advocate: “getting vaccinated against the flu will become a public health issue this fall and above all a citizen act“. Some advocate mass vaccination against the flu, while waiting for the vaccine against Covid-19, explaining that it is necessary to take advantage of current existing protections. The aim is to avoid saturation in healthcare establishments and to relieve them. So the government ordered 30% more vaccine doses, hoping that many people would get vaccinated.
Read also: Coronavirus and flu: should the seasonal flu vaccine be made compulsory?