Wednesday 9 September 2020.
At a time when France is experiencing an upsurge in the Covid-19 epidemic, yesterday afternoon, visiting Clermont-Ferrand, the head of state said “We have to be much more vigilant about all private events.” Family reunions, evenings with friends etc. are indeed the moments when a large part of the contaminations take place, because we do not wear the mask and we think less about respecting the barrier gestures. According to Public Health France, these moments of private life constitute the 3th cluster source. So how can we protect ourselves and our loved ones? Here are some tips from the editorial staff of PasseportSanté.
When possible, favor outdoor gatherings
Because SARS-Cov2 is a virus that circulates more easily in confined spaces, it is best to meet family or friends outdoors when possible. The temperatures are still high at the beginning of September, why not organize your dinner in the garden or a picnic in the park? If this is not possible, remember to ventilate your home well by opening the windows.
Avoid serving appetizer cookies in a large bowl
We don’t necessarily think about it, but serving peanuts, crisps or pistachios in a bowl that we pass through all hands is not a good idea to limit the risk of contamination in the face of Covid-19. . Suggest to your guests to disinfect their hands when they arrive and when they leave and prefer individual portions. The verrines are for example, a very good alternative not to skip the aperitif box, while limiting the risk of contamination by touch.
Create a “bubble” of contacts like our Belgian neighbors
Since the end of July, the Belgian authorities have introduced the principle of the social bubble in the country. Each household is allowed to see up close, up to 5 people not living under the same roof, without having to respect barrier gestures. During 4 weeks, these 5 people must always be the same for all the people in the household. Belgian citizens can of course continue to see other people outside their social bubble, but in this case they must apply barrier gestures and safety distances. This bubble is therefore a dedicated private space where relaxation is allowed with a limited number of contacts. In France, this system does not exist but it can be interesting to protect oneself, to be inspired by it.