A dark story of jealousy. That of a 60-year-old English nurse and her 62-year-old husband, a professor at Oxford. Together for 12 years, the couple is not well and the sexagenarian suspects her companion of cheating on her with “an American actress and other women”.
The facts go back to last February. On vacation in their home in Brasparts, in Finistère, she decides to find out. His goal, to search his phone. His method, to put him to sleep using a cocktail of two sleeping pills and four anxiolytics, carefully crushed and mixed with his porridge, as reported West France.
Too much dose
The result is radical, Monsieur quickly falls asleep. She then searches her phone and communicates with the latter’s mistress. After waking him up, she takes the road to Saint-Malo, in order to reach England.
But the dose administered was too strong. Her partner wakes up dizzy and feels as though he has been poisoned. He takes refuge with the neighbor who calls for help and the police. He was hospitalized for two days. When her partner learns about it, she turns around.
Arrested 4 days later, she does not deny the facts. The nurse was sentenced to a 3-month suspended prison sentence and a fine of 1,500 euros. The man, from whom she is now separated, has nevertheless forgiven her. They will even continue to spend holidays together in the house in Finistère.
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