Have you ever wondered which countries in the world have the most radar? If France quickly comes to mind with its thousands of cabins along the roads, it is not the first in the ranking! L’argus unveils the top 10 countries with the most cases.
In 2021, 101,038 fixed speed cameras are listed all over the world, more than half of which are in Europe. Despite everything, European nations are not always the most fond of cabins… The speed camera database SCDB.info even reserves a few surprises.
Radars in the world according to their category
Continent |
Red light radars |
Fixed speed cameras |
Red light and speed radars |
Section speed cameras |
Others |
Total |
Africa |
64 |
833 |
207 |
51 |
1 |
1,156 |
Asia |
2 276 |
7,225 |
1 223 |
122 |
16 |
10 862 |
Europe |
7 659 |
41 189 |
3 107 |
7,147 |
768 |
59 870 |
North America |
4 818 |
2,780 |
300 |
– |
17 |
7 915 |
Oceania |
389 |
318 |
600 |
145 |
28 |
1,480 |
South America |
1,676 |
14 876 |
3 039 |
8 |
224 |
19,823 |
World |
16 884 |
67,151 |
8,476 |
7,473 |
1,054 |
101 038 |
Brazil, Russia and Italy in the lead
This is in Brazil that the number of fixed speed cameras is the highest, with 18 074 cabins at the edge of the roads. It is the first country in area of South America and the Southern Hemisphere, with 8,515,767 km2. These are mainly speed control devices that we find, although some also monitor the crossing of traffic lights. In contrast, Brazil only has 8 section radars.
TO READ. Radars. How much does their maintenance cost, model by model and overall
Russia is the second country where the most radar cabins are installed. Largest country in the world with an area of 17,125,191 km2, the former USSR has 16,244 radars. More than 11,000 devices check speed only, while 2,615 booths focus on traffic lights. Italy is the only European country to exceed 10,000 radar cabins on its territory. It is therefore in third position, behind Brazil and Russia. Among the control devices, the country has 8,000 fixed speed booths and nearly 600 section radars.
Very different controls in Great Britain and the United States
In Great Britain, there are 7,176 fixed speed cameras. Of this total, 4,024 boxes are dedicated solely to speed control, while 779 red light cameras are placed at intersections. On the other hand, the country has 2,149 section radars, the highest score for this type of device.
Across the Atlantic, the United States has installed 6,410 roadside radar booths, for a much larger area. But Uncle Sam’s country controls differently. Right here, it is rather the crossing of red lights that are tracked, with 3,974 units counted (by far the largest number) against less than 2 300 cabins dedicated to speed control.
France in 7e position, behind Germany
Yes France is well supplied with radars, with 3,783 fixed cabins, it is still behind Germany and its 4,691 boxes. The two countries are more focused on speed control, with each more than half of their cabins dedicated to this. Crossing a red light is more controlled in France than in Germany, with 716 units against 442 across the Rhine.
TO READ. Radars. These free apps that (legally) report controls
Behind France, Belgium is in eighth position. The flat country has less than 3,000 fixed speed cameras, with 2,788 boxes placed on the side of the roads. Just behind, we find the United Arab Emirates, with 2,766 radars, of which 2,067 are allocated to speed control only. Finally, Sweden brings up the rear. The Nordic country has 2,206 cabins, dedicated solely to speed control. There is no fire radar in the country according to the SCDB database.
The ten countries with the most fixed speed cameras
Position |
Country |
Total number of radars |
1 |
Brazil |
18,074 |
2 |
Russia |
16,244 |
3 |
Italy |
10 832 |
4 |
Britain |
7 176 |
5 |
United States |
6,410 |
6 |
Germany |
4,691 |
7 |
France |
3,783 |
8 |
Belgium |
2,788 |
9 |
United Arab Emirates |
2,766 |
10 |
Sweden |
2 206 |