June 29, 2016.
Work and illness are closely linked for many French people, who believe that it is in their professional environment that germs and viruses are transmitted. An observation that does not prevent them from being happy in their work, and from making it rhyme with “health”.
The professional environment, a factor in the transmission of diseases
Would work make the French sick? This is what they seem to believe, according to a recent survey conducted by Qapa.fr, the leading digital work platform in France, which questioned nearly 19,000 people on the close relationship between health and work. According to this survey, more than one in two French people believe that the company is a hotbed of contamination. Indeed, 53% of women and 59% of men consider that they catch more illnesses at work than in their family life and outside the company.
However, they do not blame their colleagues. 72% of women and 69% of men even declare that they do not catch diseases because of their close collaborators. For safety, however, 71% (80% of women) believe that a sick employee would be better off staying at home rather than infecting all staff.
The French say they are sick only once or twice a year
If work is a place of circulation of microbes and other viruses, the French admit, however, to be quite spared. 69% of women and 81% of men say they only get sick once or twice a year. A reasonable assessment, especially since the majority (over 75%) believe that “work is health”.
Good news for all these workers, which also translates into their job satisfaction. For 49% of women and 62% of men, work rhymes with “pleasure”, when for 28% of women and 31% of men, work is more likely to be a source of “stress”, or even “anxiety”.
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