March 26, 2009 – As spring arrives, gardening enthusiasts can’t wait to start their favorite activity again. But, after the long winter months, a little physical conditioning is essential before starting to prepare your piece of land.
A lack of preparation could ruin your summer. Lower back pain, ligament injuries and joint strain are the most common problems caused by gardening, experts say.
These injuries can be caused either by an unheated body, a posture maintained too long, a lack of planning or too many activities undertaken in the same day.
Do warm-ups
Before gardening, it is always a good idea to do short warm-ups while standing with leg curls, squats (movements that mimic sitting on a chair), arm rotations and for the top. from the body.
“To avoid getting injured, the trick is to start with the gardening activities that require the least amount of force at the start and go gradually with the heavier loads. If you have a wheelbarrow of earth to transport, you have to organize yourself to do so in the middle of your activity. The risk of injury is greater at the beginning, because the body is not ready, and at the end because it is tired, ”explains Alexandre Paré, member of the Federation of Kinesiologists of Quebec.
Another important tip: If you stay on the floor leaning forward for more than 15 minutes, wait at least 1 minute when you get up, or walk a little, before lifting a load to straighten your spine.
Also, don’t hesitate to ask someone for help lifting a bag of soil and getting some good tools for comfortable and safe gardening.
Some tips to avoid injury
Before you start gardening
During gardening
Carole Boulé – PasseportSanté.net
According to BBC News.