Endovenous Laser Therapy
One of the newest and most advanced ways to treat varicose veins is endovenous laser therapy (EVLT). The varicose veins are treated under local anaesthetic; so you don’t need to be included.
The saphenous vein (VSM) is a large superficial vein that runs on the inside of the leg. Most varicose veins on the leg involve the VSM or its side branches. The VSM is therefore often switched off during varicose vein operations. Another vein that is often treated is the saphenous vein parva (VSP); a large, superficial draining blood vessel on the lower leg.
How does it work?
With endovenous laser therapy (EVLT) of the VSM, the varicose vein is punctured just below or just above the knee. In this, a so-called guide wire is advanced towards the groin. In the case of the varicose vein treatment of the VSP, you lie on your stomach and the varicose vein is punctured at the back of the calf and the guide wire is advanced into the back of the knee.
burn down
A catheter is inserted over this guide wire and after its position has been checked with ultrasound, the laser wire is advanced. The leg is then locally anesthetized on the inside and the vein is then burned closed using the laser. In the case of the VSP, the calf is anesthetized so that you do not feel any pain during the varicose vein treatment. Piercing the varicose vein and surrounding the vein with a dozen or so injections with anesthetic fluid is sensitive but is experienced by most people as being less stressful than anesthesia.
elastic stocking
After the treatment you will be given an elastic stocking around the treated leg or legs. You must wear this stocking for two days, day and night after the varicose vein treatment, and then for another five days during the day or as long as you feel comfortable wearing the stocking.
Advantages of endovenous laser therapy over varicose vein stripping:
• Safe procedure
• No scars after a varicose vein treatment
• Outpatient or varicose vein treatment in day care
• Faster recovery
• Fewer restrictions in daily activity
• Temporary bruising
• You can choose the anaesthetic yourself, but usually the varicose vein treatment can take place under local anaesthetic
• You can walk again immediately after the varicose vein treatment
• The percentage of successful varicose vein treatments is higher than 90 percent
• 95 percent of people are suitable for this varicose vein treatment
• The percentage of recurrent varicose veins is not greater than with stripping and it takes longer for varicose veins to come back
Is EVLT reimbursed?
The EVLT treatment is recommended by all health insurers, depending on the indication (medical necessity) fully reimbursed. The first consultation is always eligible for reimbursement in order to determine the seriousness of the varicose vein treatment. To be eligible for reimbursement of the first varicose vein consultation, you will need a referral letter from your GP.