The practice of regular physical exercise can reduce erectile dysfunction in patients with prostate cancer.
- Erectile dysfunction is one of the possible consequences of prostate cancer.
- Researchers show that regular exercise practice can reduce this sexual function disorder.
- In the study, participants practiced aerobic training and resistance exercises.
Prostate cancer is frequent in France with nearly 60,000 cases each year. It is said to “good prognosis“, because its survival rate is high. However, some patients undergo the consequences of the disease, even years later. Sexual function disorders are part of it. In a recent study published in Jamaresearchers from Edith Cowan (ECU), in Australia, demonstrate that erectile dysfunction in prostate cancer may be considerably reduced thanks to regular physical exercise.
Erectile dysfunction, a common consequence of prostate cancer
“”Erectile dysfunction is a major problem that affects patients with prostate cancer, but also leads to relationship problems, Alert Professor Daniel Galvão, Director of the ECU Sports Medicine Research Institute. Most of these patients are not offered health interventions to support their sexual function, and we hope to remedy them.“With his team, he conducted an attempt on the impact of regular physical exercise and psychosexual education on the sexual function of patients with prostate cancer.
Physical exercise and sex education: a study on the management of erectile dysfunction linked to prostate cancer
The 112 participants were divided into three groups. The first started a fitness program: with aerobic and resistance training, three days a week, under clinical supervision. “”The aerobic component involving between 20 and 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise with moderate to high intensity “note the authors. There were between six and eight resistance exercises, repeated between 6 and 12 times with each session. “Study participants were also invited to train at home to accumulate a total of at least 150 minutes of high intensity moderate aerobic exercises per week“, Underlines Professor Galvão. For the second group, this training was supplemented by an intervention of psychosexual education and self -management. It consisted in”A range of sexual rehabilitation and education tools, including reading equipment on the treatment of erectile dysfunction and audio resources for stress management “. The last group received the usual management of patients with prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer: physical exercise reduces erectile dysfunction
Scientists conclude that targeted intervention on psychosexual education and self -management has not improved sexual function. “”However, for participants who were exercising, research results show considerable improvement the erectile function compared to usual care “they observe. They indicate that the effects were more significant for individuals who had received radiotherapy and therapy of deprivation of androgens, compared to those who had undergone a prostatectomy. “”The study suggests that exercise would be an effective intervention for men with prostate cancer which express concerns about sexual dysfunction, and that it should be considered a key element of their treatment“, Consulates Professor Galvão. Regular sport practice has also made it possible to prevent weight gain and improved the muscular strength of the participants.