Do more physical activity, eat healthier, reduce stress, sleep better, stop smoking, reduce alcohol… All of these resolutions could improve your heart health.
- Cardiovascular diseases and stroke are the leading cause of death among women in France.
- And in humans, it is the second cause of death, according to Public Health France.
- Doing more physical activity, eating better, quitting smoking, reducing your alcohol consumption are some of the resolutions to make for your heart health.
“Common New Year’s resolutions are often beneficial for heart health, even if that’s not necessarily your original intention“, explain Leslie Chocardiologist at the Cleveland Clinic. In a article published on the website of its establishmentshe takes stock of the seven resolutions to make this year for your health and, above all, that of your heart.
Good resolutions for heart : exercise and eat healthier
The first is to get a medical check-up, because it is possible to have heart disease without having symptoms. And be careful, cardiovascular pathologies and stroke are the leading cause of death among women in France and the second among men according to Public health France.
“Taking a check-up is always a good thing, assures Dr. Leslie Cho, who sees many patients who have not seen a doctor for years. This is an opportunity to discuss any health concerns you have with your doctor.”
Resolution number 2: do more physical activity. “Exercise lowers your cholesterol and blood pressure, which are two important risk factors for heart disease.”says Dr. Leslie Cho.
For adults aged 18 to 64, theWorld Health Organization (WHO) recommends doing at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity sport or 75 to 150 minutes of sustained intensity per week. But, if you haven’t practiced for a long time, Dr. Leslie Cho advises starting by changing your habits: taking the stairs rather than the elevator or parking further from the entrance to your office to walk.
The third resolution you can make on January 1st is to eat better. “Diet really has a huge impact” on heart health, Dr. Cho warns. According to the University of Ottawa Heart Institutein Canada, heart-healthy nutrition means:
- limit saturated fatty acids and processed products: cold meats, butter, fast food, fried foods, etc.;
- choose healthier fats and oils: for example, you can opt for vegetable oils (olive, flax, sunflower, etc.);
- reduce salt and sugar: for adults, the WHO recommends consuming no more than 5 g of salt per day and absorbing less than 50 g of free sugars per day.
- eat mainly vegetables, fruits, fiber and whole grains: favor seasonal and unprocessed products.
Reduce stress to improve your heart health
The fourth resolution to make at the start of the year for your heart, according to the American expert, is to reduce stress. This is a “very important risk factor for heart disease, indicates the cardiologist. People who are very anxious tend to have more heart attacks and strokes.” Indeed, the Stress produces a hormone that impacts blood pressure and heart rate, which can lead to heart attack and stroke.
This new year, make it your fifth resolution to sleep better. Indeed, lack of sleep also impacts heart health, in particular by promoting the development of high blood pressurethere atrial fibrillation or heart failure.
Finally, the last two recommended resolutions: stop smoking and reduce your alcohol consumption. “Smoking is one of the worst things you can do, not only to your heart, but to your overall health, including your lungs and brain. insists Dr. Leslie Cho. Alcohol is made up of sugar, so people who drink a lot of alcohol have triglycerides very high. High triglyceride levels increase your risk of diabetes and pancreatitis and, in women, stroke.“