We regularly read studies on the benefits … and harmful effects of coffee on health. The latest shows that drinking coffee can lower the risk of liver cancer the most common (hepatocellular carcinoma or HCC) by 50%.
The meta-analysis of 16 articles published between 1996 and 2012 was carried out jointly by the Institute for Research in Pharmacology and the University of Milan in Italy, the country of the tight little Espresso.
The author of the study, Dr Carlo La Vecchia, explained: “Our research confirms previous results which had previously shown coffee to be good for health and more particularly for the liver. “
The team of researchers who conducted the study are delighted because these results are in addition to those of other studies which had shown that coffee helps prevent diabetes, known to be a risk factor for liver cancer, as well. as cirrhosis.
Dr La Vecchia added: “It is still not clear why drinking coffee plays a preventive role against liver cancer. In any case, this action is limited compared to other means of prevention ”.
Indeed, liver cancer can be prevented by vaccination againstHepatitis B, surveillance of hepatitis C virus and reduction of alcohol consumption. These 3 measures alone can prevent 90% of cases of HCC-type liver cancer. Tobacco, obesity and diabetes also increase the risk of developing liver cancer.
Knowing that liver cancer is the 6th most common type of cancer in the world, it is important to know the means to prevent it… and not to deprive yourself of a small coffee in the morning to start the day well.