Get to know the alkaline diet
This diet is based on an observation: the human body contains too much acidity which causes tiredinsomnia anxiety, multiple pains and premature aging. And this also causes weight gain that resists all diets. To sum up: a modern diet that is too acidic + stress + lack of physical exercise = the acid-base imbalance in our body. And it is this imbalance that causes small health concerns.
To regain our shape, we must therefore rebalance the body by consuming a majority (two thirds) of alkalizing foods and reducing the share (one third) of acidifying foods. “Warning: acidifying foods does not mean foods with an acid taste. By” acidifying “we mean foods whose digestion tends to increase the acidity of the blood” explains Natasha Corrett, a British chef who discovered the virtues of the alkaline diet in 2010, when a doctor explained to him that his chronic low back pain was due to too much acidity in his body.
5 basic rules for eating alkaline
– Eat natural and healthy foods and drop industrial dishes and products with additives or genetically modified.
– Prefer quality meats, poultry raised in the open air, fresh cheeses made from unpasteurized milk to preserve nutrients.
– Replace daily dairy products (acidifying) with vegetable milks: almond milk, hemp or macadamia milk), feta or cheese and soy yogurt.
– On the cereal side, forget the wheat and choose barley, quinoa or buckwheat.
-Drink two liters of water or herbal teas (fennel, mint, ginger) per day.
“The meteoric expansion of obesity and diabetes could stop if we consume everything that nature provides us: raw products, as much as possible in season and cooked in the simplest way” underlines the chef in her book The alkaline diet.
What to start with ?
“Progressing step by step allows you to control very precisely the changes that will occur in your body and the health benefits you will reap from them,” adds Natasha Corrett.
If, for example, you frequently suffer from colds or ailments of the ENT sphere, it is a good idea to start by replacing products made from cow’s milk with plant-based milks. If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or bloating, you should start by cutting out wheat-based foods and replacing them with gluten-free grains. If you are tired or even depressed, it is recommended to quickly cleanse and “alkalanize” the body by taking fruit and vegetable juices rich in nutrients or green smoothies.
“As soon as your body rebalances its pH levels, the symptoms will start to go away. After a few weeks, you will feel more energized, your focus and memory will have improved, and you will be sleeping much better. is the power of the alkaline diet “.
Build your meals
Cereals or potatoes always form the first level (30 to 35%) of the dish, made up for example of quinoa, millet, rice, rye or buckwheat. They bring energy.
Raw, grilled or steamed vegetables constitute the 2nd level (also 30 to 25%) of the dish. They provide fiber, vitamins and minerals and are the main alkalizing elements.
Nuts, fresh herbs and seeds form the 3rd level (20-25%). Longer to digest, they will slow down the production of energy and allow it to be released gradually.
Lemon-based oils, butters, seasonings form the last level (10 to 15%) and provide essential fatty acids for the functioning of the nervous system.
Discover recipes from alkaline diet here. And more advice from Natasha Corrett in the book The alkaline diet, Larousse editions.
Read also :
Acid-base diet: the best menus
The basics of anti-toxin cooking