To have beautiful hair, we know that we must take care of it. But sometimes use shampoo which does not attack the scalptake care of rinse her hair lengthily and use a suitable hairbrush is not enough to get dream hair. It may simply be because your little hair problems are a reflection of your general state of health.
You have brittle hair
Your hair is made up of a protein called keratin: it is what protects it from external aggressions. This explains the interest of having a high protein diet : if you don’t get enough of it in your daily diet, it can weaken your hair and make it brittle. Consuming enough antioxidants also helps prevent oxidation of the hair.
But brittle hair is also, unfortunately, one of the paid tribes at menopause. The hormonal change that occurs around the age of fifty also manifests itself in the condition of the hair. The hair is refined, impoverished and the hair becomes drier and more brittle. Speak to your doctor who may prescribe a fortifying dietary supplement which will promote hair growth by also giving it a better hold.
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You are losing a lot of hair
On average we let’s lose a hundred hairs approximately every day. But if you’ve been feeling like there’s been a lot more hair left on your brush in the morning lately, or that you’ve been getting it all the time on your fingers when you run it through your hair, it could be a sign of a hormonal imbalance.
Healthy hair corresponds to a favorable vascular, hormonal and metabolic environment. It is enough for a source of imbalance to appear for the hair to suffer from premature hair loss. A psychological shock, a divorce, a bereavement, a surgical operation… can cause stress or significant fatigue, causing hair loss.
Certain medications like antidepressants or contraceptives can also cause hair to fall out early. But rest assured, the situation is not hopeless. Boost your metabolism with whole grains and brewer’s yeast and ask your doctor to perform a blood test to test your iron stores (anemia can also cause hair loss). And if this persists, do not hesitate to make an appointment. with the dermatologist.
Read also :Hair loss: 5 reflexes to tackle the problem at the root
Your hair has lost its thickness
If your thick and shiny hair have become duller and thinner, first try to find an “obvious” reason. Nothing could be more normal if you have taken up swimming because chlorine weakens keratin (the hair protein) and makes hair thin and brittle. You may also have abused coloring ? Artificial pigments, too, are tough on keratin.
But fine hair can also be the sign of hypothyroidism : your thyroid gland no longer makes enough hormones, prompting your metabolism to slow down. The signs often set in gradually: you feel tired, you no longer have an appetite, your skin becomes pale and dry and your hair is fine and dull.
If you experience these symptoms, ask your doctor to test your thyroid hormone levels at your next blood test.
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You have a lot of dandruff
Stress, fatigue or too aggressive shampoo for the scalp: many factors can cause the appearance of dandruff. But if these dandruff does not go away even using anti-dandruff shampoo, or if they turn into scaly patches, it could be a sign that you suffer from psoriasisan autoimmune disease in which the skin goes into overdrive, which speeds up the process of skin cell renewal.
Fortunately, to cure psoriasis, there is effective solutions. Only downside: to be effective, they require consistency. And the support of the dermatologist!
Read also : Exfoliation: it’s good for the scalp