According to the interministerial mission for the fight against drugs and addictive behavior (Mildeca), 20 out of the 29 million working people, working or looking for work in France, use and abuse psychoactive substances (alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, sleeping tablets, cocaine…) to “stay in the game”. However, very often, companies do not find the words to raise these questions and few manage to put in place adequate prevention underline the researchers gathered in congress to reflect on the theme “Links between work and the use of psychotropic drugs: what about talking about it?”.
Products to hold, to sleep or to recover
France is both one of the countries with the best hourly productivity in the world, and at the same time, one of the biggest consumers of psychotropic drugs. “The issue of “Drugs and work” is not limited to alcohol and drugs which would cause problems. Drugs, legal and illegal, are also powerful means in the service of production, profitability and silence on work-related health problems. More and more active people have a use of different products, either to hold, or to sleep or recover, or to build a professional identity” insists Gladys Lutz, researcher in work psychology and president of the Addictology and Work association (Additra), congress organizer.Read also :She dies after 159 overtime hours in one monthOn the occasion of this congress, the organizers are launching the hashtag #sedoperpourtravailler so that employees can speak out about their use of tobacco, alcohol, medication or drugs for physical or mental anesthesia, or letting go in connection with work.“It’s about giving a voice to women, men, employees, managers or executives, workersliberals, craftsmen or agents of the state and unemployed of all responsibilities and allprofessions. It is also about asking ourselves: psychotropic drugsalcohol, tobacco orillicit drugs have a place in our daily lives to calm one or more pains, relax, sleep, forget, recover, overcome boredom, stimulate ourselves, be better, concentrate, overcome anxiety, calm stress ?”More info on the Additra congress website.Read also :Benzodiazepines: 60% of consumers are womenStress: one employee in two sick from work