Regardless of the diet choice, the most important thing is to follow it seriously and play sports at the same time, according to a recent study.
Eat only protein, ban carbohydrates, eat 20 fruits and vegetables a day … diet recipes are numerous and invade our societies. In advertisements, newspapers… they are found everywhere. But who is the big winner, the most effective? No. Because all diets work, as long as you follow them seriously and to the end. This is the conclusion of a study recently published in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA.)
2 to 3 kilos of difference depending on the diet
A team of researchers from a children’s clinic and hospital in the United States analyzed the effects of 48 popular diets on more than 7,000 obese adults with an average age of 46. They all followed the regimes in the same way, respecting the recommended indications and duration. The assessment took place between 6 and 12 months. At the end of the 6 months, the difference in weight loss between people who followed different diets was 2 to 3 kilos. Six months later, the gap has disappeared. “The proposed diets therefore have relatively all the same effect in terms of weight loss,” concludes Geof Ball, an expert in obesity, who participated in the study.
Psychological support and physical exercise
In contrast, the researchers noticed a noticeable difference in weight loss in adults who received psychological support from loved ones and in those who regularly engage in physical activity. In six months, these people lost 7 kilos more than the others and 4.5 kilos in one year.
The study therefore proves that any diet is effective, provided that it is followed scrupulously and until the end. On the other hand, it is twice as effective if it is accompanied by physical and psychological well-being. Diets that are too long are not necessarily the most effective, the important thing is to keep a balanced diet after the diet and not to resume bad eating habits once the diet is over.