In the Servan-Schreiber family, I ask Florence, the niece of the famous press boss Jean-Jacques Servan Schreiber and cousin of David Servan-Schreiber, author of the book Anticancer in which he gave his lifestyle advice to fight the disease .
Florence introduces herself as a “teacher of happiness”. After training in positive psychology in the United States and having given advice in many media, she is now a coach for individuals and companies. His credo: we can all be happy, you just have to recognize and know how to stimulate happiness.
What is your definition of happiness?
the happinessis to be in love with your own life. It’s accepting it, stimulating it, and above all not dreaming of having the life of another. We have to tell ourselves that we are going to do the best possible with the life we have and savor the happy moments, because there are bound to be some. And above all, happiness is not going to Timbuktu! What I mean is that running away or going far away is never the solution to happiness.
What is World Happiness Day for?
It serves above all to have fun, to try to authorize new things and to realize that we can be connected to each other thanks to good energy.
The WHO estimates that by 2030, depression will be the leading cause of disability worldwide. Why are we less and less happy?
There are several factors that can explain this explosion of depressions. The poor quality of food, the lack of exercises, the acceleration of the lifestyle and the permanent access to information. We have an archaic brain that adapts very well to these changes but, despite everything, this permanent overstimulation, in particular via new technologies, cuts us off from each other. Social networks give us the impression of being hyper-connected to others but, in reality, we see our loved ones much less than in the last century. However, to be happy, we also need to be surrounded.
Happiness, it seems that it is learned. But where and with whom?
In reality, happiness cannot be learned, it has to be worked on. This is also the objective of positive psychology which is interested in what makes happiness: the gratificationlove, satisfaction… The goal is to live better and longer, to gain quality of life by trying to create a sort of bubble of happiness.
The French are also in the paradox when we talk about happiness. It is fashionable to be cynical in our country so, collectively, the French are pessimistic. But when questioned individually, they are optimists ! Happiness is therefore also relative sometimes depending on the situation. Either way, happiness is contagious. This does not mean that you have to necessarily distance yourself from people who are not doing well, but you have to know how to ask for advice and rely on those who give you confidence.
You have just partnered with the health food brand Gayelord Hauser. How can happiness also be on the plate?
There is necessarily a close link between our food, therefore our fuel and the energy that we evacuate. A Healthy eating and the conviviality of meals are very important because they are inseparable from our well-being.
What advice can you give us to feel better every day?
Sometimes very simple things are enough to be in a positive dynamic.
– In the evening, think of 3 happy moments of the day
– When you hear good news, share it around you
– Listen to music in the dark. This allows us to be more receptive to what surrounds us.
These little tips and more will be written on the packets of products from the Gayelord Hauser range. As part of this partnership with the brand, Florence Servan-Schreiber will also offer a online coaching service.
Read also:
– Danes are the happiest in the world
– Happiness, an equation in its own right
– 8 tips to follow to be happy