Pessimism can it be considered as a risk factor in case of coronary disease ? In any case, this is what researchers at the Päijät-Häme Hospital in Finland claim. These researchers followed for 11 years, 2,267 men and women aged 52 to 76 who had previously completed a questionnaire to determine whether they were more likely to see the glass half empty or half full.
Over the years, they found that among those who had suffered from heart disease, those who had died were much more pessimistic at the outset than the others. A finding that prevails as much among women as among men.
Personality traits affect health
“This study shows that personality traits can worsen physical health”said Dr. Mikko Pankalainen, psychiatrist at Finnish Hospital and lead author of the study. “If you are pessimistic and suffer from health problems, then it is even more important to take care of yourself” concludes the doctor.
On the other hand, the results of the study do not show that being an incorrigible optimist makes it possible to recover more quickly from cardiovascular disease.
Anyway, if you want to preserve your heart, it is always possible to fight against your pessimistic nature. Next these 6 tips to learn to see life in pink, for example.
This study was published in the BMC Public Health.
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