Doctors have removed a spider lodged in the ear of a Chinese. The video went around the web.
In China, a man went to his doctor, and for good reason: he had the feeling that he was “walking on all fours in his ear”. Sent to the hospital in the Chinese province of Jiangsu, the doctors ended up discovering there… A spider.
Scare away the spider
“I didn’t notice it while inspecting [son oreille] with the naked eye,” Dr. Zhang Pan told News 18. “However, using an endoscope, I discovered the little spider inside,” he recounts. As shown in a video that went around the Web, he first tried to catch the beast with a small pair of pliers. Unable to do so, he then put drops in the ear canal to scare away the spider, which, panicked, actually left his shelter.
The video, of course, horrified Internet users. However, the penetration of small bugs into human ears is not so rare. “I’ve seen spiders weave a web in an ear canal before. Small moths and flying insects can also get in there,” said Erich Voigt, a physician at NYU Langone Health. “Cockroaches tend to get stuck inside and scratch the eardrum with their front legs,” he says.
What to do with an insect in the ear?
In another video, a cricket can also be seen being extracted from an Indian’s ear. These animals “like warm countries and hide during the day. It is likely that this cricket crawled into the ear of man while he slept and hid there until the dawn,” say the doctors.
If an object or an animal is stuck in the ear, you must quickly see a doctor to remove it gently. Call ahead to check if it is equipped to perform the operation. Doing it alone can lead to duct injuries, burns or secondary infections (otitis externa). As an insect in the ear can be very anxiety-provoking and embarrassing, it is possible to drown it with water to wait until the medical visit. To do this, it is necessary to tilt the head to the side to achieve an optimal ear bath.