Immersing yourself in hot water has health benefits. According to new research, it may reduce inflammation and improve blood sugar levels. Ideal for people with diabetes.
Relaxing, warming up and now protecting your health: the benefits of a hot bath are more numerous than you might think. English researchers publish in the Journal of Applied Physiology the results of their work on the effect of a hot bath on inflammation and blood sugar regulation. In individuals who cannot do physical activity, this would reduce inflammation and improve the absorption of insulin by the body.
A dozen hot baths
10 sedentary overweight men participated in the study. For an hour, they took a bath at 39 degrees. The scientists took blood samples before and after the bath, then two hours later also recorded blood pressure, body temperature and heart rate every 15 minutes. After this first bath, the study continued for two weeks where the participants immersed themselves ten times in hot water.
The scientists found that the first bath caused an increase in inflammation, characterized by an increase in interleukin, a biomarker, and an increase in the production of nitric oxide. This lowers blood pressure and improves the absorption of glucose in the body. After two weeks of testing, the researchers noticed that the participants had lower blood sugar levels and lower inflammation. The hot bath has the same effect on the body as a sports session: initially, it increases inflammation, then it causes a long-term decrease in it.
A solution for overweight people
For the researchers, hot baths would allow overweight people, who cannot practice physical activity, to improve their blood sugar and their level of inflammation, because these people have a high risk of type 2 diabetes. This does not replace treatments but can complement them, without causing major side effects. The participants only felt some discomfort due to the long time spent in the water and its high temperature.
Several studies on hot baths
These are not the only researchers interested in the benefits of baths. Last June, research suggested that taking 5 hot baths a week could improve heart health in older people. Study participants had taken hotter but shorter baths: 41 degrees for 12.4 minutes. Further research is needed to find out from what duration and at what temperature, the benefits of the hot bath appear.