dark chocolaterich in flavonols (powerful antioxidant) protects against cardiovascular diseases. It helps maintain the flexibility of the arteries and limit the risk of atherosclerosis according to the results of a study published in the Faseb Journal, a journal specializing in biology.
Atherosclerosis is a heart disease characterized by the deposit of a plaque mainly composed of fat on the walls of the arteries which become rigid preventing the circulation of oxygen-rich blood to the heart. Eventually, these deposits can lead to damage to the arterial wall, obstruction of vessels and lead to heart attacks.
Dark chocolate improves artery health
Professor Diederik Esser, a researcher specializing in nutrition at the University of Wageningen, has set up a dietary protocol with 44 overweight patients. These volunteers had to eat 70g of dark chocolate a day and then, the following week, 70g of chocolate enriched with flavonols. At the same time, the participants followed a calorie-restricted diet to prevent weight gain.
The scientists then assessed the vascular health of the volunteers and found that this diet benefited all participants. They benefited from an improvement in the health of their arteries, thanks to a 1% increase in the dilation of blood vessels and a decrease in the concentration of white blood cells.
Professor Diederik Esser reminds us that “you should not eat just any chocolate. It is necessary to consume dark chocolate, rich in flavonoids and of course to follow a balanced diet low in saturated fats and sugars. »
This new study confirms previous scientific investigations that already revealed the health benefits of dark chocolate. A German study conducted for almost 10 years on more than 19,000 adult volunteers and published in the European Heart Journal affirmed that dark chocolate consumed in small quantities each day (7 grams), reduced blood pressure, and decreased by 39% the risk of cardiovascular illnesses.