Diet plays an essential role in the formation and development of dental caries. The relationship between cavities and food? Plaque bacteria feed on dietary sugars and produce acids that attack tooth enamel.
The power cariogenic differs by nutrient. The length of time that cariogenic foods remain in contact with the teeth also plays a role. Eating caries-promoting foods several times a day puts the teeth in almost permanent contact with these cariogenic foods, especially if they are sticky and thus adhere to the surface of the teeth for a long time.
And contrary to what we often think, sucrose (white sugar) is not the only cause of cavities! Most foods containing carbohydrates are cariogenic and not only sweet tasting simple carbohydrates but also carbohydrates from starch (bread, cereals, potatoes, crisps, biscuits…).
Cavity-promoting foods are also those that stick to the teeth and stay in the mouth for a long time. such as dried fruits and soft candiesthose that saliva takes a long time to dissolve (cake, fresh fruit) but also those that are acidic and demineralize the tooth.
The most cariogenic foods are thus fries, bananas, sodas and cereal bars in addition to confectionery. Discover 9 cavity-promoting foods and ways to make them less harmful to your teeth.
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