Do you get fat from eating late at night?
Is coffee good or bad for you? And do children become hyperactive from sugar? Eight myths about nutrition unraveled.
Eating late at night makes you fat
There is no convincing evidence that eating late at night makes you gain weight. What we do know is that too many calories leads to weight gain and that many nighttime eaters tend to overeat, especially high-calorie foods. Eating right before going to bed can lead to heartburn and indigestion. Try as much as possible to eat regularly and not just before going to sleep.
Coffee is not good for you
Not true. CoffeeYou can safely take about two to three cups a day. There are even studies that suggest it helps prevent certain conditions. For example, it would lower the risk of getting type II diabetes and slow down the process of Alzheimer’s disease. Even the chance of getting some cancers is reduced. Do not put sugar, milk and/or cream in your coffee. This way you get a lot of calories without noticing.
The less fat you eat, the better
The main nutrients your body needs for fuel are carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Yes, fats! Good fats are found in, for example, nuts, seeds, fish, avocados and olives. They give you energy, repair cells and produce hormones. Saturated fats and trans fats are the products that you should limit or avoid using. These fats are found in, for example, butter, red meat and many processed foods.
Sea salt contains less sodium than table salt
Do you think you will get less sodium by no longer using table salt but sea salt? Unfortunately, it’s not true. Table salt and sea salt contain about the same amount of sodium. A better alternative is to flavor your food with other spices such as pepper. By the way, most salt we do not get it through the salt shaker on the table, but through additions to, for example, soups, mixes and cheese.
Drinking more water makes you lose weight
There is no doubt that water is vital for your body. But you don’t lose weight. For example, if you take water instead of soda or juices, but if you don’t change your diet, you will not lose weight.
Sugar makes children hyperactive
Many people think that children become hyperactive from sugar and sweets. Yet research shows that this is not the case. So why do kids bounce so much at birthday parties? It’s not the cake, probably the exciting environment and the presence of other children. It is of course good to watch your child’s sugar intake. If children eat too many sweets, they will have less appetite for healthier food.
Too much sugar causes type 2 diabetes
Are you afraid that your love of pastries or sweets will lead to diabetes? So this is a myth. If you don’t have diabetes, eating sugar won’t cause you to get it. It is clear that people are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if it runs in the family, if they are overweight and if they don’t exercise much. So do your body a favor: exercise a lot and don’t eat too many pastries and sweets.
Carbs make you fat
This too is a myth. Your body even has carbohydrates required. They are the main source of energy for the body. But there are many people who lose weight by following a low-carb diet, right? Yes, but such a diet is not recommended. It often does not contain enough vitamins, minerals and fiber. In addition, the body also has to break down muscles (muscle proteins) to get enough glucose.