About sun power and bathing water
Blue-green algae, pollen information or the current solar power: there are a number of things that we like to keep informed about in warm weather. PlusOnline collected the most useful sites for you.
1. Pollen forecast
Hay fever patients are more affected by their pollen allergy in warm, dry weather than after a heavy rain shower. Fortunately, the pollen concentration in the air is somewhat predictable. Are you going out for a day; check the pollen forecast and is not overtaken by hay fever complaints.
2. Smog Modes
Smog can cause respiratory health problems. Smog from ozone can also irritate the eyes, nose and throat. Especially people with chronic diseases of the lungs, heart and vessels will experience a worsening of the complaints. Daily air quality forecasts based on model calculations support the timely identification of smog. If necessary, the RIVM will give a smog warning from.
3. Tick Radar
The Character Expectation indicates for each part of the Netherlands how active the nymphs are on average. In addition to the current forecast, it is possible to look ahead up to ten days. Five categories are distinguished: minimal to zero, low, medium, high and very high. If you are more aware of the presence of active ticks, you are more likely to check yourself for a tick after visiting a nature, park or garden. tick bite and better protect yourself against a tick bite
4. Weather forecast
The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, or KNMI, has been providing the latest state of affairs with regard to the weather forecast.
5. Weather Alerts
It is not only in extreme cold that it is sometimes necessary to be careful; even in the event of a thunderstorm, storm or extreme heat the KNMI sounds the bell and gives a weather warning.
6. Solar power forecast
The sun’s power is a measure of the amount of ultraviolet radiation (UV) in the sunlight that reaches the earth. The website of the KNMI offers current expectations of solar power for the Netherlands and for the entire world. A ten-day solar power forecast can be requested for every place in the world. This is how you know if your skin is at extra risk of getting to burn. Lubricate, T-shirt and cap and the preparation for a day out is complete.
7. Bathing water
Zwemwater.nl informs about the hygiene and safety of outdoor swimming areas. Swimming spots that have been designated and investigated by the provinces, the environmental services, the water boards and Rijkswaterstaat. Where is it clean and safe? What about blue-green algae? Here you will find the answer.