Obsessed with the well-being of others, the Aquarius woman has human qualities well above the average. But it’s not just that… We’ve brought together a few of its unmentionable flaws to paint a vitriolic portrait for you. Aquarius woman faults, it is now!
With her reserved side, the Aquarius woman is generally appreciated by everyone, especially since she willingly puts herself at the service of others. His free spirit and his original personality make her a person with whom we like to exchange and spend time. But is it as popular as you think?
The Aquarius woman, that arrogant one!
Warning : our list “Female Aquarius defects” lists seven personality traits that are deliberately exaggerated for get the message across. But please, if you feel concerned, do not take them at face value!
Like the other Air signs Gemini and Libra, the natives of Aquarius have some characteristic defectsstarting with their instability and a certain arrogance…
1. Arrogant
The Aquarius woman is so sure of herself that one can quickly think that she is pretentious. His “I know everything” and “I’ll explain” side sometimes passes for contempt, when deep down she means well. She just needs to watch herself a bit when she talks about herself to avoid self-congratulatory sequences.
2. Unstable
As the Aquarius woman does not like routine and seeks to renew herself constantly, she can appear inconstant in the eyes of others. To avoid getting bored, she switches from black to white and vice versa without warning. Life is for her an opportunity to constantly vary her centers of interest and pleasures, it is not surprising that it is difficult to follow her.
A little lack of seriousness?
3. Superficial
The Aquarius woman loves beautiful things (who could blame her?) and puts the little joys in life first. As she is refined, she is often criticized for being capricious and superficial. It’s probably a bit exaggerated but one wonders if it doesn’t do a little too much to maintain its originality…
4. Distracted
The Aquarius woman prefers having fun and going on adventures rather than taking on responsibilities. This is often true at work… Unable to mobilize energy and of keep his attention on a project that takes time. Neither disciplined nor really serious, she gets distracted at the slightest opportunity and then loses her focus.
Aquarius woman flaws and contradictions
5. Individualist
How free she is, in friendship or in love, the Aquarius woman sets own agenda and imposes its independence. When she helps others (she loves it), she sets the rules of the game. And when she decides to move on, don’t expect to see her again anytime soon. She is altruistic when she decides to be, but deeply individualistic when she regains her freedom.
6. Lazy
The Aquarius native has a knack for always seeming overwhelmed. She embarks on several projects at the same time, but often gives up along the way. It must be said that this is not not a model of courage and selflessness, she much prefers procrastination. Where does this lazy side of the Aquarius woman come from? Certainly his renunciation of responsibilities and his desire to make the least possible effort.
7. Intolerant
The Aquarius woman has the conviction to be open-minded, but it is an illusion. Since she has the sincere conviction of always being right, she has a terrible time putting up with people who don’t think like her. To agree with her, it is best to avoid frontal opposition because she does not take it very well.
Our “Aquarius Woman faults” list is over and it is true that we have not been lenient. Just a little tip to finish if you are Aquarius: rely more on naturalness and spontaneity in your exchanges with others (especially if you don’t know them), because when people meet you, people may find you cold and distant when you’re not like that.
See as well :
10 things to know about the Aquarius woman
The signs compatible with the Aquarius woman in love
7 major flaws of the Aquarius woman
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius: the air signs
All signs

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