There are hundreds of so-called miraculous diets that promise you a lot of weight with minimal effort. But nothing is less true. In the long run, you will even gain weight from these types of diets!
According to experts, it is difficult to say which diets do not work. Because even with the worst diet you will lose weight, but especially in the beginning. Then the pounds come back on. So be alert and don’t think that there is ‘magic’ food or that there are miraculous pills.
The five worst diet forms in a row:
1. One product group
Diets that focus on just a few food items or food groups. Think, for example, of the cabbage soup or grapefruit diet. How long do you maintain such a diet? Eating only cabbage soup is very one-sided.
With some diets you eat the same from Monday to Friday, but at the weekend you can go completely ‘free’. Don’t fall for it, such a ‘reward’ is counterproductive.
2. Detox Diets
Detoxes or detox diets are aimed at body cleansing, liver cleansing, colonic irrigation and hormone injections. Scientists believe that these diets are pure nonsense. Every human body has organs, such as the liver and kidneys, and an immune system that detoxify itself. Rinsing and cleaning are therefore completely superfluous.
3. Magical Food
Diets with “magic” foods or ingredients (such as supplements, green tea, or apple cider vinegar). Unfortunately, there are no ‘magic’ remedies. You will not lose weight with any amount of supplements, enzymes or drinks.
4. Crash Diets
Fasting and very low calorie diets. Fasting has been a cultural and religious tradition for centuries. Great to do that for a day or two. But fasting to lose weight is counterproductive.
If you take too few calories, your body thinks there is a shortage of food and the metabolism adjusts accordingly. If you then start eating ‘normally’ again, your body will not adjust again.
You even need fewer calories than before. This is the so-called yo-yo effect. Fasting will make you lose a combination of fat, fluid, and muscle, but the pounds you gain after that will be mostly fat.
5. ‘Secret’ Diets
Diets that sound too good to be true. Some diets claim to have a “secret,” oppose the views of respected health authorities, or claim the opposite of what scientists say. These diets are suspicious.
no diet
Scientists claim that the best diet is not a diet. You can also lose weight by simply eating healthy. Focus on strategies that reduce your hunger pangs with fewer calories. For example, eat more fruit, whole grains and lean proteins.
Liesbeth van Rossum is an internist and endocrinologist and Mariette Boon is an internist in training and researcher into brown fat. Together they wrote the bestseller ‘Fat important‘. This duo knows all about body fat and how you can influence it. Do you want to lose weight? Listen to the podcast below before you start a diet, because then you can avoid common mistakes.