The latest major Heyme / Opinion Way study on the health of college and high school students has just been released: 841 college students (aged 16 to 28) and 841 high school students (aged 14 to 22) were surveyed between the month of April and May 2019.
In terms of sexual health, young people are not (yet?) kings of caution even if 72% of 16-28 year olds have already had sexual intercourse. The condom is thus not yet essential in the eyes of students and high school students, who are “only” 44% to use it systematically during sexual intercourse. The most cautious fear a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or even… an unwanted pregnancy.
55% of women aged 21 to 23 take the pill
More worrying perhaps: only 38% of 16-20 year olds get screened (for STIs, AIDS, hepatitis, etc.) each time they change sexual partner – main reason given: young people feel they “have not taken a sufficient risk “… A received idea which can prove to be dangerous!
In terms of contraception, 55% of young women aged 21 to 23 and 45% of those aged 16 to 20 take the pill. They are also 46% to have already used emergency contraception (the famous “morning after pill”) and 23% of young women have even used it several times. Voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion), for its part, concerns 10% of young women aged 16 to 20 years.
Finally, prejudices concerning HIV (the AIDS virus) are hard-pressed: 19% of students think that one can develop the disease following a mosquito bite, 12% by kissing an HIV-positive person, 6% by drinking from his glass and 3% by shaking his hand. Rest assured: these are only received ideas.
Source: Heyme press release.
Read also :
A second brand of condoms now reimbursed
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