Successfully achieving your weight loss goal when dieting requires following certain principles and sticking to them. I will describe 4 truths that you must not take your eyes off to find food security and a stable weight. But before that, let’s go back to the evolution of overweight obesity and its mechanisms.
At present, the Nutritional value food keeps onto augment and seems to pose a food security problem. Mean by this that it is necessary to ensure a real control of what we eat today, so much the lists of ingredients have lengthened with additives, preservatives, as well as the caloric value of the products.
We can indeed observe for example that the average value of all yogurts, which a few years ago was 70 kcal per 100 g, today reaches 80 kcal. That bread, which was 250 kcal, is now 275…
Change of pace and food security
Today we can say that theprogressive food fortificationconsumed in equal quantities, favored the increase in our caloric consumption, while our energy expenditure decreased with our sedentary lifestyle.
We also find that the new ingredients contained in the products are likely to amplify this mechanism. For example, it is not the same to consume sugar in the form of sucrose or glucose, and in the form of syrup of glucose-fructose.
As demonstrated by recent work, the use of certain substances promotes the formation of fat stores and participates in the development of overweight andobesity.
Of course, we are aware that theobesity is multifactorialthe security aspect food adding to the geneticto psychological and at sociological. But which of these four factors is most responsible for obesity?
Haven’t we spent too much time considering the last three elements, forgetting the essential: what we eat today has nothing to do with what we consumed before?
Likewise, the advice that we enact year-round are often in gap total with products available in supermarkets.
For example, when you see the difference there can be between Salmon wild and farmed, what is the point of prescribing patients to eat fish without specifying which one?
Same thing for the cheese. Yes, you have to eat it. But what variety and, above all, with what composition?
To find one’s way, it will no doubt be necessary to create, in medical practices, dietary education consultations associated withlabeling education nutritional. This is also food safety, knowing how to read labels.
4 principles to achieve your slimming goal
Succeeding in your diet, I want to say it right away (close this article if you are one of those who swear only by the proposals ensuring immediate success without effort and resorting to strange practices), is based on 4 of these intangible truths.
First: apart from surgical solutions, the only viable way to lose weight is to change your dietin other words to reduce its overall energy intake.
My job is to help you achieve this in a way non-stressful, intelligently and above all over time, as this is essential. The patience is the obligatory companion of all weightloss a little bit effective. Ensuring food security takes some learning.
Second: there are other options like knowing the fundamentals of nutrition, I think it is important to know them, to explain them, dissect them and analyze them in order to know their advantages and disadvantages. Your food security and your health depend on it.
Third: a diet can never be improvised ; you have to think about it, think about it, adapt it to your desires, carefully consider the variants before testing it, know when to start it and at what stage to stop it.
The urge to crack
Fourth: the truth difficultythose who have tried do not ignore it, is to arrive at follow a diet. The first days, we are full of energy; the first two weeks we hold because the needle of the scale drops; the first month is rewarded by the admiring gaze of his family, his friends, his colleagues; and then… everything gets complicated.
After two months, we want to crack ; after three, you get tired; after six, we forgot. And, then or in parallel, we reinflate. The famous yoyo effect occurs, terrible, later.
Also, explain what a weight loss seriously monitoring involves on a day-to-day basis, giving tips and methods to motivate, describe the stages of weight loss are data to be understood, even tamed. To tame them, adopt them and make the most of them.
Undertake a diet and successful weight loss is a real exercise. It must be seriously considered before starting because a change of habits Ensuring food security and maintaining a healthy weight takes preparation and work.
As I often say, a dietit’s ” a job “some succeed more easily than others, an injustice that requires work, but the game is worth the effort.