Researchers have successfully reconstructed and 3D printed a human embryo. A hope for infertile couples who have recourse to in vitro fertilization.
It is a world first and what is more is French. Researchers from the Montpellier University Hospital have succeeded in reconstructing and printing a human embryo in 3D. This scientific progress is a beacon of hope for infertile couples who resort to in vitro fertilization (IVF). Especially since today, two out of three IVF still end in failure.
Evaluate embryo abnormalities
For the team of scientists, the objective here is to facilitate the selection of the “good embryo” to implant during in vitro fertilization. At the time of IVF, several embryos are indeed created and the doctors must then choose the one or those who will have the most chance of ending in a pregnancy.
But to make this choice, they had until now only few tools to identify the defects of the embryo and worked with the aid of a microscope. A story that may be written in the past because this 3D printing technique could be a game-changer.
Using photos and software, the researchers were therefore able to enlarge and materialize an embryo, at the preimplantation stage, and to print an exact replica in 3D for better observation.
This 3D printing, which would be “the size of an apple”, according to this radio, would therefore make it possible to discover any abnormalities, before choosing whether or not to proceed with the implantation.
For the team, this scientific breakthrough would allow doctors “to better understand the implantation phase of IVF, and thus improve the chances of successful implantation of the embryo in the uterus. “