Low back pain most common complaint
Chronic pain completely turns your life upside down. You still want so much, but often can’t do it anymore. And the misunderstanding from the environment doesn’t help either. Nineteen facts about chronic pain.
• The average age of people with chronic pain is 50 years
• Seven out of ten pain patients are women
• 64 percent of pain patients have serious to very serious complaints
• The most common complaint (42 percent) is low backache
• 58 percent of patients have been looking for a good treatment for more than a year
• 47 percent of pain patients believe that pain negatively affects their relationship with family and friends
• 24 percent feel social isolation because of the pain
• Arthrosis (26 percent) is the most common cause of chronic pain
• 75 percent do not believe they will get rid of the pain within a year
• 30 percent go to a practitioner at least ten times
• 52 percent are not satisfied with the given explanation for pain
• 73 percent of patients would like to be active and participate fully in society
• In 41 percent a diagnosis was never made or a cause was found
• 70 percent of people with chronic pain suffer from insomnia and/or gloom
• 32 percent of patients have visited a pain clinic at some point
• The cause of chronic pain is unknown in 25 percent of patients
• 20 percent of people with chronic pain have not seen a doctor or practitioner
• 9 percent of pain patients can no longer perform daily activities
• 28 percent are concerned that their pain will prevent them from pursuing a career
- Plus Magazine