Every year, 7 kg of food products still wrapped are thrown away by French homes. Although 94% of French people say they pay attention to food waste according to a survey by Opinion Way and SmartWay, efforts still need to be made to waste less.
Indeed, still according to the study, 1 out of 2 French people throw away at least one type of product every month. And 59% throw a product for its appearance, 32% because of its DLC.
We start by arranging the fridge
Basic rule: remove packaging. Some take up space unnecessarily, cardboard packaging for yoghurts, for example. Others downright alter our food. This is the case with plastic bags, which suffocate them and cause them to rot. It is therefore necessary at all costs to get out the fruits and vegetables, but also the fish! To let it breathe, remove it from the bag, leave it in its paper and place it on a plate.
Is the fridge full to bursting? It can be decluttered by removing the jar of pickles (the vinegar takes care of preserving them) and the glass of mustard, but also the jar of honey (which the cool crystallizes), the chocolate bar and the packet of coffee. © (placed in the fridge, they lose their aromas). To avoid wasting, place the furthest DLCs at the bottom of the fridge and highlight what should be eaten first.
DLC and DDM, what’s the difference?
Remember that the labels of food products have two types of dates:
- The DLC or Use-by date is indicated by the words “use by” on perishable products with bacteriological risk. Beyond this date, food presents a health risk.
- The MDD or Minimum Durability Date, formerly called DLUO (best before date) is indicated by the words “Best before end” or “Best before end”. It applies to products which are dry, stable, lyophilized, sterilized, frozen.
So be sure to distinguish between these two dates and not to confuse them.
Some products are still consumable once the expiry date has passed, these are only foods with an MDD:
- If she indicates day, month and year consumption limit, the product can still be consumed 3 months after the date.
- If it indicates month and year consumption limit, the product can still be consumed up to 18 months after the date.
- If it only indicates the yearthe product is consumable well more than 18 months after the date.
However, before consuming expired food, take the time to observe it, smell it and taste it ! If you have the slightest doubt about its appearance, texture or smell, do not eat it! Products with plastic packaging should not be inflated. The same applies to tin cans, which must not have domed lids.
Source : Opinion Way / Smartway- study The French say stop food waste
Read also :
- Seasonal fruits and vegetables that should not be put in the fridge
- Preserving the benefits of vegetables: the good gestures (and the pitfalls!)
- Eat better for less: 12 good tips for your health and your wallet