The orange is one of the most consumed fruits in France, after the apple and the banana. If we find it on our stalls all year round, its peak season is winter. And that’s good because, when the first fruits are less abundant than in summer, we appreciate this fruit which brings energy and strengthens immunity. The elders gave it as a gift at Christmas. Today, we are lucky that it has become common and affordable.
Rich in vitamin C and flavonoids
A single orange covers two-thirds of our recommended vitamin C intakes. “This fragile vitamin is well preserved in the orange thanks to its thick skin and its organic acids” notes Dr. Laure Martinat, phyto-aromatherapist. Vitamin C is interesting in prevention, because it participates in the synthesis of antibodies, but also after an infection, because it helps to fight against fatigue. It promotes the absorption of iron, also involved in immunity, hence the interest of combining it with sources of vegetable iron (lentils, almonds, dark chocolate, etc.).
“Orange is rich in flavonoids, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substances. It is found in large quantities in the inner skin and membranes, so it is better to consume it whole. It also contains hesperidin which, by strengthening the venous walls, protects against cardiovascular diseases.”
It is also beneficial for bones, teeth and skin.
How to choose the right oranges?
Choose them firm and heavy, but don’t be fooled by the color and thickness of the skin, which depend on the climate where they grew.
In Asia, oranges are green and perfectly ripe. A distinction must be made between table oranges, such as the delicious navel, and more juicy and acidic juice oranges. Blood oranges taste the same, but contain more anthocyanin, an antioxidant pigment. “Most oranges undergo post-harvest treatment to preserve them. It’s important to take them organic, especially if you want to eat the zest.” says Dr. Martinat.
>> To take advantage of the good vitamin C content of an orange (about 95 mg), slice it at the last moment, because it is sensitive to oxidation. To cover all your needs, add fresh parsley, the richest herb in vitamin C. If it’s a salty dish of course!
In what form to consume it?
- Whole. This is the best way to take advantage of all its nutritional benefits (vitamins, antioxidants, etc.). And above all, its fibers slow down the absorption of carbohydrates. It’s a satisfying little pleasure.
- In juice. If we press it at home, we benefit from the vitamins (without the satiating side of the whole orange). On the other hand, industrial juices have lost many of their assets. The risk is also to drink a lot once the bottle has been opened.
- In essential oil. Relaxing and sedative, it is interesting in case of stress or insomnia (to diffuse or breathe in the bottle). Digestive, it relieves heaviness (1 drop in 1 teaspoon of honey).
Our expert: Dr. Laure Martinat, phyto-aromatherapist