Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Vine, Snapchat … We consult them several times a day, on our smartphones, tablets and computers. But what effects do these social networks have on our physical and mental health?
1- Social networks and stress
Social media addicts would be more stressed out than the average. At issue: the distressing events of their loved ones of which they are continuously informed. the stresswould therefore be contagious, even on social media! The most affected by this viral anxiety would be women, who suffer from a higher level of stress at the start and who would become more aware of the distressing events shared on the Web by their friends than men.
2- Social networks, depression and frustration
the happinesssome is the misfortune of others. This adage also applies to social networks. Several studies agree that the more Internet users consult Facebook, the more they compare their life to the moments of happiness displayed on the profiles of their friends. Obviously, their lives then appear to them less beautiful, less exciting and more monotonous than these idealized lives. Result : feelings of depression, but also of frustration or even anger and jealousy are accentuated.
3- Social networks and eating disorders
According to a study conducted at the University of Pittsburgh (United States), people who visit social media most often are at greater risk of developing eating disordersas’anorexiaor the bulimia. The propagation of stereotypes of thinness or the many physical challengesconveyed by social networks could explain this observation.
4- Social networks and addiction
No internet connection for a few days and the lack is already being felt? This is quite normal: Facebook would have the same effects on the brain as a dose of cocaine, according to a study conducted at the University of Southern California (United States).
The temptation to logging into Twitter and Facebook would even surpass sex cravings, alcohol or cigarettes, according to researchers at the University of Chicago. The proof in a recent American opinion poll where a majority of participants affirmed prefer not to have sex for three months rather than not using their smartphone during one week. Is this your case? Maybe it’s time to consider a “digital detox“.
5- Social networks and sleep disorders
Do you have trouble falling asleep at night? No problem, you grab your smartphone and start surfing your favorite social network. A bad idea, however, because this habit generates a real vicious circle where the nights are restless and the poor quality sleep. Indeed, the lack of sleep makes people more distracted, which pushes them to surf the internet at bedtime, increasing their addiction to social networks and delaying the establishment of a calm environment conducive to falling asleep. Especially since screen light sends wake-up signalsto the body, which will have even more difficulty falling into the arms of Morpheus.
6- Social networks and weakened immune system
The more we would consult the Internet, the more we would fall ill. In question: the immune stress generated by the periods when the Internet user is not connected. This alternating period of connection and disconnection would vary the level of cortisol, a hormone that helps the body defend itself against infections.
7- Social networks and love life
Social networks, and more generally the use of the smartphone, would be real “kills the love” within the couple, in particular during the holidays. According to one survey conducted by the condom brand Durex®, 65% of respondents post photos or statuses on social media up to three times a day during their holidays and 42% prefer to share these moments on the internet first than with their other half.
In addition, spying on his partner on social networks would tend to increase anxiety within a couple, because a status or a comment can quickly be misinterpreted.
8- Social networks and adolescent mental health
Teens who spend more than two hours a day on social media are more at risk of mental illness and suicidal ideation and seek psychological support more often. But researchers at the University of Ottawa, Canada, who made the discovery, are unsure whether teens with more fragile mental health tend to take to social media more often, or if it is. the use of these which weakens mental health.
Young people would also be dependent on the approval they receive (or not) on social media: the number of “like” mentions on their post or their photo seems linked to brain activity in reward and attention areas.
9- Social networks and mood disorders
The emotions of some influence those of their friends. The social network Facebook recently demonstrated this through a mind manipulation experiment. The moods expressed on social networkswould therefore be massively contagious. For example, reading many positive messages from friends generates negative feelings and a feeling of being left out.
10 – Social networks and positive effects on health
But all is not all black or all white … Social networks are also beneficial in some cases. They would thus allow reduce the number of teenage pregnancies, would help losing weight, or reduce loneliness in adolescents.
>> To read also:
Social media addiction explained in video
Epidemics: social networks at the service of public health
Virtual exchanges are not a substitute for a real conversation