More and more French people want to be better protected against passive smoking in various places not affected by the legislation, such as café terraces, queues or even the surroundings of schools.
- In 2020, more than three out of ten adults aged 18-75 said they smoked at least occasionally (31.8%) and a quarter daily (25.5%), recently indicated Public Health France.
- This marks a halt after several years which saw the proportion of smokers drop from 34.5% to 30.4% between 2016 and 2019, and daily smokers drop from 29.4% to 24%.
86% of French people no longer want to be exposed to tobacco smoke in at least one place not considered today by the smoking ban, according to a new survey by OpinionWay for the DNF association. “This confirms the real desire of the French to be better protected against passive smoking in various places not affected by the legislation such as café terraces, queues or even the surroundings of schools”, comment the pollsters on the occasion of the world day of May 31st.
CSP+ people are more likely to be protected against passive smoking
Spaces where cohabitation is sometimes longer, such as queues or café terraces, particularly stand out. On certain categories such as CSP +, the desire to be protected in these places against smoke is stronger with respectively 66% and 62% on the terraces, against 48 and 50% of CSP-.
“Cohabitation in good weather is becoming more and more complicated. The phenomenon is such that a specific working group on the subject has been set up with the members”, explains Gérard Audureau, president of the DNF. The association continues: “the French affirm their desire to breathe healthy air. Nearly a third even want to no longer be exposed in the street, like what we can know in Singapore”.
60% of parents want the surroundings of schools to become tobacco-free spaces
Nearly 60% of parents would like the surroundings of schools to also become tobacco-free areas. Motivated by protection against smoke on the one hand, they also want cigarettes to no longer be seen as commonplace for their children.
In view of the results of this survey, the DNF recommends extending the smoking ban:
– near schools,
– in queues,
– on the terraces of cafés, casinos, hotels and restaurants,
– to all outdoor places hosting minors (stadium, parks and gardens, beaches, etc.).
Even consumed in moderation, tobacco is the cause of many pathologies, some of which, such as lung cancer for example, are fatal.