In France, around 4 million people suffer from asthma: there are nearly 60,000 hospitalizations (nearly 40,000 in children) and around 1,000 deaths each year. A smartphone application has been developed to help the people concerned.
Asthma is a chronic disease caused by inflammation of the bronchi which results in their hypersensitivity to different stimuli: cold, virus, tobacco, pollution … L’bronchial inflammation entails a “hyperreactivity “ muscle wall with swelling of the inner lining of the bronchus, a hypersecretion of mucus (normally produced in small amounts) and contraction of the muscles of the bronchial wall. In the end, all these phenomena lead to the narrowing of the lumen of the bronchus, even to its obstruction, and to a gene to breathe.
Bronchial hyperresponsiveness manifests itself with varying symptoms, most commonly a wheezing, a difficulty breathing, a shortness of breath or by a cough. The first manifestations occur most often in children. In France, around 4 million people suffer from asthma: there are near 60,000 hospitalizations (nearly 40,000 in children) and around 1,000 deaths each year. The first attacks usually occur during the first year of life in 10 to 50% of cases, before the fifth year in 65 to 95% of cases, or after 10 years, but this is rare.
The evolution of treatments
It is now possible to control nearly 95% of asthma cases, in particular thanks to the effectiveness of the treatments developed. The first step in treatment is to eliminate all the factors that can trigger an asthma attack (allergens, tobacco, pollution, etc.) and to treat the attacks. In most patients, it will also be necessary to treat the bronchial inflammation over the long term because it is this which is responsible for the bronchial hyperresponsiveness and the associated hypersecretion of mucus.
From “bronchodilator” drugs allow the bronchi to dilate in order to restore a normal caliber of their internal lumen during an asthma attack. These drugs are delivered by breathing, via an inhaler, and therefore directly into the inflamed bronchi. All asthmatics must therefore carry a bronchodilator inhaler with them at all times and follow the instructions for use.
If these bronchodilator drugs are used more than three times a week, treatment of bronchial inflammation is necessary: the so-called “background treatment“of asthma. By reducing bronchial inflammation, the disease-modifying treatment makes it possible to regress the inflammatory edema of the mucous membrane which lines the interior of the bronchi. The disease-modifying treatment also makes it possible to reduce bronchial hyperreactivity and ‘avoid or limit the recurrence of seizures. This disease-modifying treatment is essentially based on inhaled corticosteroids, the effectiveness of which is not immediate: it takes seven to fourteen days to experience the first benefits. DMARD treatment with inhaled corticosteroids should be taken every day, even if the symptoms and discomfort have disappeared.
In the event of repetitive attacks with bronchial obstruction, the inhaled route may become ineffective and the doctor may offer you medication by mouth, or even by injection. If allergens have been identified as the cause of asthma, desensitization may be offered. This desensitization consists in gradually “accustoming” the body to the presence of an allergen so that it can tolerate it.
A new app to save lives
The application for Smartphone (iOS and Android) “Asthma Agir” has been available since April 30th. Created at the initiative of Laurence Meyer, this application validated by the scientific community of pulmonologists and the Fondation du Souffle makes it possible to geolocate 718 emergency centers and remind us of the signs indicative of a severe asthma attack. In these cases, recalls the application, there are 5 rules to be respected among which that of not going alone to the emergency room, but to call for help by specifying “asthma attack”. The application allows direct contact between the user and the nearest center.
In 2018, 900 people per year still succumb to an asthma attack, an unacceptable finding, find out >>
– Souffle Foundation (@FduSouffle) May 1, 2018