Doctors who issue too many sick leaves are reprimanded by the Health Insurance, to their dismay.
In health, it is time for savings. For several months, the Health Insurance has been hunting expensive prescriptions and sick leaves deemed abusive. The approach, which results in letters sometimes accompanied by threats of sanctions, sows a wind of protest among practitioners.
“Ordinary harassment”?
Thus, at the beginning of June, the general practitioner union MG France produced a furious press release denouncing the missives of the Health Insurance, which tracks long-term sick leaves. This time, it is the FMF (Federation of Doctors of France) which is stepping up to the plate.
In a press release entitled ” chronicle of ordinary harassment “, The union complains about the” new campaign “on Daily Indemnities (IJ) launched by the Health Insurance.
Dozens of doctors would have received a letter beginning with these words: “The number of days off work that you have prescribed places you above the average observed among your colleagues with a comparable activity and exercising in the area of work. ‘regional health agency in the region’.
Yvelines, Bouches-du-Rhones…
According to the union, a few departments are particularly targeted – Yvelines (78), Essonne (91), Pas-de-Calais (62), Bouches-du-Rhône (13). However, the authors of the press release, who belong to the “legal unit” of the FMF, affirm that these sick leaves are for “the vast majority validated by the medical service” and as such, justified.
“How to compare the activity of a doctor to that of colleagues without having access to the medical data of their patients? they also wonder. However, this is exactly what the administrative services of the CPAMs do with these procedures. “The union cell has challenged through several procedures the approach of the Health Insurance and said to wait” impatiently for the judgments. “
For the signatory doctors, behind an economic motive, the Health Insurance actually wants “to bring the doctors in line”, whose liberal exercise would be “stigmatized and denigrated directly or skillfully in the mode of suggestion”. Words that widen the gap between liberal medicine and CNAM a little more.