Sign up for the evening program of the National Health Fair
New during the National Health Fair 2016: an interesting evening program with inspiring speakers such as Kris Verburgh, Max Strom, William Cortvriendt and Patrick van Hees. Order tickets now and win a dinner with one of them!
During the National Health Fair we present on February 12 and 13 Health Integration 1.0. An inspiring evening program with international speakers. For € 29.50 you can attend and you also have a chance of a personal meeting with the speakers during the exclusive VIP heart-to-heart dinner. The chance to ask questions and get to know your favorite speaker.
Who are speaking?
Health Integration 1.0 offers speakers from different disciplines and backgrounds in the field of health, well-being and the art of living. They are happy to share their knowledge and experience during the evening seminar. On Friday, February 12, Patrick van Hees will tell you about the secret of growing old happily. Kris Verburgh tells how you can slow down aging with food and William Cortvriendt tells how you can live 100 years in a healthy way. On Saturday 13 February Baptist de Pape will talk about the power of your heart and Max Strom will teach you various breathing exercises.
Kris Verburgh
Kris Verburgh is a doctor and researcher. He studied medicine and is a researcher at the Free University of Brussels. His research includes the role of nutrition, diets and medication in the aging process and in aging diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and dementia. Kris Verburgh wrote three books, of which The Food Hourglass the best known. On Health Integration 1.0 he speaks under the title ‘Delay aging with food’.
Patrick van Hees
Patrick van Hees is a speaker, writer and coach in the field of happiness. His first book was published in 2014, ‘The Happiness Professor‘ and followed in 2015 ‘The Lucky Granny‘. Van Hees is the most popular Dutch speaker on happiness. He translates scientific insights into practical applications. To what extent is happiness hereditary? And what can you do about it yourself? During the evening seminar, he unfolds the seven concrete secrets of happy aging with humor, facts and practical tips.
William Cortvriendt
William Cortvriendt is a physician and has extensive experience in medical research, consultancy and communication. His first book ‘How do you turn 100?‘ was a bestseller in the United States, the Netherlands and Belgium. Recently appeared ‘Don’t get fat‘, his second book. Cortvriendt is a columnist for various magazines and is a regular guest on radio and TV programs. A multi-part TV documentary based on his books is currently in the works.
Max Strom
Max Strom is an internationally renowned teacher and speaker in the field of yoga and meditation and is seen as a new great inspiration in the field of personal transformation. He regularly gives TED talks and writes articles for the New York Times and Huffington Post, among others. He wrote two books:The breath of life‘ and ‘i-happiness‘.
Baptist de Pape
Baptist de Pape decided to break with the legal profession to delve into the power of the heart and how it can lead us to the true purpose in life. During his worldwide voyage of discovery, Baptist de Pape interviewed eighteen icons, including Maya Angelou, Deepak Chopra, Paulo Coelho and Eckhart Tolle. On the basis of those conversations, he wrote:The power of your heart‘. The film adaptation of this book was voted the most heartwarming film of 2014 by the Huffington Post and will be screened after its presentation on Health Integration 1.0.
Book your tickets now!
The National Health Fair and the evening seminar can be visited separately, but can of course also be combined. Are you visiting the fair? Exhibition tickets are valid from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Are you attending the seminar? Seminar tickets are valid from 6:00 pm to 10:15 pm (the fair is then closed). You can buy tickets through www.Gezondheidsbeurs.nl. We give away the first 400 exhibition tickets for free; you only pay the order costs.