Throw away a can if the dent is on a seam or edge or if it bulges
In addition to fresh vegetables, you can also eat canned vegetables such as green beans, carrots, peas and red cabbage. Just as healthy, but always pay attention to how many additives such as salt, sugar and e-numbers are in it before you buy it. And not only should you pay attention to that, did you know that you should never eat vegetables from a can that has a dent in it?
A small dent won’t hurt, but it’s better to throw away vegetables from a can with large dents. This is because substances such as tin may have entered the vegetables. There is a protective layer of tin on the inside of a can. If it is damaged, it can therefore get into your vegetables. This puts you at a higher risk of food poisoning.
layer of plastic
Cans are provided with a layer of plastic on the inside. This ensures that substances such as tin from the can cannot end up in the product. This layer remains intact with small dents, but with very damaged cans the layer can be broken.
Tin is not very toxic, but a high dose can irritate the stomach quite a bit. In addition, it is possible that oxygen and germs have reached the vegetables. As a result, the content may be corrupted. You can then get food poisoning.
When to throw away?
So always throw away a can if the dent is on a seam or edge or if the can is bulging. Does the content look or smell strange? Then throw it away too!