This Tuesday, August 7, 2018, the Ministry of Health relayed on social networks its new prevention campaign in favor of the wearing of condoms. Called “Why you must always have a condom with you”, this one is aimed at young people and is notably posted on the site Onexpress, linked to Public Health France.
We discover several “good reasons” to have a condom with you in all circumstances: “because it will prevent you from queuing at the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test”, “because it will prevent you from breaking up. for frankly embarrassing reasons “,” because you can help out a friend who will conclude “…
But the “good reason” which made the professionals jump is this one: “because it will prevent you from announcing to the nurse / the doctor that you had an unprotected report”. On social networks, the indignant reactions were not long in coming:
” I am a nurse (…). If one day I take care of you know that you can tell my colleagues and me this kind of thing that is also what we are here for. We probably did the bullshit before you. We are caregivers. Not judges. “
“We are caregivers. Not judges. “
“Besides being hideous, this visual is really stupid. Healthcare professionals are not there to judge people who take Post-Exposure Treatment and / or the morning-after pill. And if some do, it is abnormal. “
“But have you lost your mind?” Shame on telling a DOCTOR or NURSE that you have had unprotected sex ?? It is the exact opposite communication that must be done! “
On the OnSexprime site, Santé Publique France reacted to the negative comments: “this is a condom promotion campaign that uses humor and the codes of adolescent social networks. It is difficult for adolescents to talk about sex with adults in general, including healthcare professionals, no matter how caring and welcoming. “
This Wednesday, August 8, 2018, the message from the Ministry of Health published on Twitter was deleted.
Read also :
Condom: a big problem in the United States
Contraception: vegan condoms?
Couple: he has trouble with condoms