On the occasion of the Colposcopie and Cervico Vaginal Cervico (SFCPCV) is taking stock of the new recommendations and prospects for prevention.
- 3,000 new cases of cervical cancer are detected each year in France and 1,000 women, most often young, die.
- Two levers make it possible to effectively fight against the risk of cancer: scratch screening and anti-HPV vaccination.
- Currently, two new questions arise: should we extend vaccination coverage to women up to 26 years old? Will vaccination go to a single injection? The answers will soon come.
1,000. It is the number of women, often young, who die every year from cervical cancer in France, for 3,000 new cases. Screening is one of the most effective means of prevention because it makes it possible to detect the presence of the HPV virus or anomalies of the cervical cells; But more than one in three French people still do not participate. It is recalled that this screening is offered to all women aged 25 to 65 and consists of the analysis of the cells of the collar and/or the realization of the HPV-HR test, during a smear with the doctor.
“Very great efficiency of anti-HPV vaccination”
Most human papillomavirus infections occur in the first years of sex life. Thus, the other lever to combat cervical cancer is vaccination against papillomavirus. “” “Scientific data now confirm the very great efficiency of anti-HPV vaccination”Insists the SFCPCV. Indeed, this vaccination warns:
- The risk of persistent HPV infection which is the main risk factor for precancerous lesion and cervical cancer;
- The risk of precancerous lesion of the pass “and therefore treatment (collar surgery)”;
- The risk of cervical cancer, “Including in the youngest women (under 25) at an age at which screening is not yet effective”.
The anti-HPV vaccine also makes social inequalities disappear “by preventing insufficiencies in access to screening”Underlines the learned company.
Anti-HPV vaccine: questions that remain unanswered
Does vaccination, currently offered in two injections at 6 months apart for 11-14 year olds and 3 injections for 15-19 year olds, be extended to women up to 26 years old? This possibility “is currently studied by the High Authority for Health“Replied the SFCPCV. “” “However, it should be noted that vaccination efficiency is all the more important since the vaccine is made early, before 14 years“She adds.
Will vaccination go to a single injection? “” “This development, already adopted in some countries, could simplify vaccination campaigns and increase vaccination coverage”, Argue the experts. “” “If current data have shown that a single dose of vaccine provides equivalent protection against persistent HPV infections and induces a comparable antibody response, it has not yet been shown that this causes the same protection against precancerous lesions and collar cancer compared to a classic scheme with several injections”, They continue.
If since its launch in 2007, the vaccination campaign against HPV has increased, in particular with expanding to boys in 2019 and integration into colleges in 2023, France remains lagging behind the other European countries. In 2023, vaccination coverage for girls was 45 %, and that of boys less than 20 %; That is to say well below the objective initially set at 70 %. “” “Additional efforts remain necessary to overcome these challenges and maximize the prevention of HPV cancers”Concludes the SFCPCV.