Nice and long full
Most people know it’s important to eat dietary fiber, but do you actually know why and how? PlusOnline lists the information so that you can make the best choice yourself.
Fiber is a collective name for a number of carbohydrates that are not, or only partially, digested. They play an important role in your health.
The reasons why fiber is healthy:
- Fibers do not digest in your body, they leave the body again through the stool. Fiber absorbs moisture in your intestines. This has a beneficial effect on bowel movements. People who have problems with their bowel movements should make sure that they get enough fiber.
- Dietary fiber has a beneficial effect on the bad cholesterol in your blood. With a good cholesterol level you have less chance of cardiovascular disease.
- Fibers provide a feeling of fullness for longer. They provide no calories, but they do fill your stomach. This is especially important if you are losing weight.
- Fiber slows down food transport through the intestines, causing blood sugar levels to rise and fall more slowly. This could have a positive effect on the prevention of type 2 diabetes, but this has not yet been scientifically proven.
Fibers come in many different types. Roughly speaking, a distinction is made between soluble (fermentable) and insoluble (non-fermentable) fibres.
Soluble and non-soluble
Soluble fiber is broken down by bacteria in the large intestine. They serve as food for ‘good’ bacteria in the gut, but also as food for the intestinal cells themselves. In this way they contribute to a good immune system, because these bacteria and intestinal (epithelial) cells support the immune system and ensure that pathogens have less chance.
Insoluble dietary fiber is not broken down by bacteria. They remain intact and can absorb moisture. In this way they increase the volume of the stool and keep it supple. In this way they contribute to a good bowel movement.
In order to take healthy food and therefore take good care of your body, it is important to vary well. Because fibers are in different products, you can easily vary and still put together a delicious meal.
Which products can you choose from?
- All kinds of fruits and vegetables
- All wholemeal products (wholemeal bread, crackers, gingerbread, rusk)
- Potatoes, wholemeal pasta, brown rice
- legumes
- Nuts and seeds
- Breakfast cereals
A person needs about 30-40 grams of dietary fiber per day, but this depends on your height, weight and gender. You can approximately assume the formula is 14.2 grams per 1000 calories.
This article was written by Freya Zuidervaart, nutritionist for www.valtaf.nl