Forty-five days later, and still the same symptoms of a Covid supposed to be cured… The cases are multiplying and worrying the doctors. Either the disappeared symptoms return after a break, or they do not stop for a very long time, as BFM TV points out. But how is this done?
The scenario is as follows, notes Le Parisien: it are often women forty years old. They suffer from very great fatigue, muscle pain … and this 4 to 6 weeks after the appearance of the first symptoms of the coronavirus. It would be about 5% of patients, explains the referent infectiologist of Covid-19 at Raymond-Poincaré hospital (Garches), Benjamin Davido.
After a 2 week lull
He explains that often there is a lull of two weeks between the 15th day of attack and the 30th when the symptoms resume. Is it the virus that is on the rise again, or just the symptoms? Scientists wonder. For these rare cases, the term used is “post-infectious syndrome“.
It is also possible that they are due to organ damage following the infection, or that the first infection was too mild to allow the body to develop antibodies. Doctors think it is possible that these patients were affected by the virus, without having symptoms, and then re-exposed with symptoms.
To try to answer these questions, two 6-month studies will be conducted at the Grenoble University Hospital. One will focus on the persistence of symptoms, the other on resurgence.
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- Coronavirus vaccine (Covid-19): 8 questions to understand
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