Vegetable source of omega-3 fat
You hear more and more about algae oil or algae oil capsules these days. It is mainly promoted as suppliers of omega-3 fats, the unique fats that we mainly get from fish. Can algae oil replace fish?
First of all: what are algae?
Algae oil is made from algae. These are a kind of tiny plants that grow in fresh and salt water. From the pond in your backyard to the Atlantic Ocean, all the water in the world is full of them. Algae can be so microscopic that there are millions of these plants in a teaspoon of water. Just like plants, algae grow through photosynthesis, converting CO2 into oxygen. There are many different types of algae. They range from unicellular organisms to large multicellular algae. We also call the latter seaweeds.
Fat from algae
You can understand that algae contain many nutrients when you consider that algae are the food for many fish. Those algae also contain fat. Part of that fat are special omega-3 fats: the fish fats EPA and DHA. It is precisely these fish fats that make eating fish once a week a healthy choice. We can hardly ingest EPA and DHA in any other way than from fish. But from algae. For vegetarians and vegans and for people who do not like fish, algae (and seaweed) are therefore a vegetable source of these fish fats. You have to eat a good portion of it to get enough EPA and DHA. And that’s where the algae oil comes in. Algae oil is the concentrated fat from algae that is rich in EPA and DHA. If you don’t eat fish, this is a plant-based way to get these fats in your diet.
Why do you need omega-3 fats?
Your body needs the omega-3 fats, you can’t do without them. They are important for the brain and eyes and play a role in you blood pressure. Omega-3 fats may also play a role in protecting against depression and dementia, but not all studies yield the same results, so this cannot be said with certainty. What is clear from research is that eating fish once a week reduces the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. This effect is also attributed to the EPA and DHA. But that is not exactly known (yet). It could also be that other (as yet unknown) components of fish are responsible for this. Therefore, fish is still preferred over supplements.
Which omega-3 fats are there?
You hear most about the omega-3 fats EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) from fish, but there is also ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). ALA is a vegetable omega-3 fat that is found in various oils (there is a lot in linseed (oil)), nuts (especially walnuts) and in small amounts in green vegetables and meat. Your body can make small amounts of EPA and DHA from ALA. So it is also a way to get EPA and DHA. But this is not enough for what your body needs. That is why the Health Council has drawn up a daily recommended amount for the fish fats EPA and DHA. You can achieve that by eating oily fish once a week. Especially fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon, herring and sardines, because oily fish contains the most of these fats. If you don’t eat fish, you can get EPA and DHA by taking supplements such as fish oil capsules or algae oil capsules.
How much algae oil is healthy?
Algae oil is therefore a good alternative if you do not eat or do not like fish. Algae oil preparations are expensive, often many times more expensive than fish oil preparations. That has to do with the way in which they extract the oil from the algae, which is more difficult than from fish. On the other hand, oil extraction from algae is more sustainable than from fish. If you use algae oil, take a preparation with a dose of about 200 mg of omega-3 fats per day. That is the recommendation of the Health Council. Taking more isn’t always healthier. There are indications that a few grams of EPA and/or DHA per day have a negative effect on blood clotting. In any case, stay below the dose of 1000 mg (1 gram) per day and use your blood thinnersIn any case, discuss the use of algae oil with your doctor.