The experts of the Economic Analysis Council are not doing half-way in the report they have just published on the overhaul of health insurance whose system is currently “too complex” and “expensive”.
One of their proposals consists in making full payment for consultations with the doctor, up to a certain threshold.
9 consultations at the patient’s expense
A few days ago, the main union of liberal doctors pleaded so that the price of the consultation with the general practitioner goes from 23 to 25 euros. The Economic Analysis Council, close to Matignon, goes much further by offering to charge the patient out of his own pocket, which would encourage him to consult less and therefore to over-consume less drugs.
But he notes, however, that a participation “capped” is necessary to reduce “the risk of excess charges”, hence the idea of a deductible. Concretely, first aid would be the responsibility of the patient up to a certain threshold, which could turn around 200 euros, or the equivalent of 9 consultations at 23 euros. Beyond this threshold, consultations and care could start to be reimbursed again according to a scale.
For hospital care, the CAE suggests on the other hand to increase reimbursements, with 100% coverage of hospital care, with the exception of a daily flat rate reduced to 8 euros.