Rain, gray weather, the English weather is not good for morale or health. Indeed, the shortage of sun generates a deficit in vitamin D in the English. However, vitamin D is essential for health. It allows the fixation of calcium on the bone to consolidate it and would prevent heart disease. And to get your fill of this vitamin, there aren’t many options. Little present in the diet, vitamin D is mainly produced by the skin, under the effect of the sun.
In England, where it seems to be lacking, a scientific committee has suggested that the government encourage the British to take a daily dose of 10 micrograms of vitamin D. It should be prescribed by the doctor because it may be contraindicated in some cases. (especially if you have kidney stones or hyperparathyroidism).
“We propose that this nutrient reference intake be applicable throughout the year, as a precautionary measure, to protect population groups in the UK identified as at risk of minimal exposure to sunlight,” the report explains. posted on the Quartz.com site and relayed by the French Metro information site.
The French are also lacking vitamin D
The French do not seem better off than the English. Researchers from the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) found that more than half of French people (58%) lack vitamin D, with a concentration of less than 20 nanograms per ml of blood and that 15% are even deficient (less than 10ng / ml): in order not to be deficient, you should at least have a blood concentration of vitamin D between 30 and 45 ng / ml of blood.
Conclusions confirmed by figures from the National Institute for Sanitary Surveillance (INVS), according to which more than 80% of French people aged 18 to 74 years suffer from a vitamin D deficiency. But supplementation should absolutely not be done without medical advice.
Read also:
Vitamin D: what do we risk if we are deficient?
Vitamin D: 4 diseases it can prevent
Multiple sclerosis: coffee and vitamin D reduce the risk