INTERVIEW – The Ministry of Health has launched the training of 539 “violence” referents. Their role will be to improve care for women victims of violence.
539 doctors from all over France gathered on June 27 at the premises of the Ministry of Health in Paris. All of them came in their capacity as “violence” referents within their emergency service.
A quarter of women victims of physical violence first turn to a doctor. Only a minority decides to lodge a complaint, but support remains essential, although insufficient.
The post of referral to the emergency service, created as part of the plan to prevent and combat violence against women, aims to improve the skills of these health professionals. Throughout the day, they followed training provided by the Interministerial Mission for the Protection of Women against Violence and the Fight against Human Trafficking (MIPROF). Among the external witnesses, Gilles Lazimi, general practitioner in Romainville (Seine-Saint-Denis) and member of the High Council for Equality between Women and Men.
What will be the role of these referents?
Gilles Lazimi : The purpose of the day was to exchange ideas so that they could go back to their respective hospitals. They will take stock of the situation, see which partners and colleagues to raise awareness. Their work will also consist of setting up protocols and doing everything to welcome the victims by learning how to spot them, support them and direct them to the network they will have created.

What did this training day consist of?
Gilles Lazimi : Videos were shown to the referents, booklets and a guide on the reception of victims in emergencies were distributed to them, as well as a guide to good practices. We took advantage of practical examples, where patients do not present themselves as victims. The question then becomes when to interview them.
I am sure that the doctors present thought of the patients they had seen who were not screened. We also saw how to set up the network to work better. It is not just a medical problem, it also has a social and legal aspect. Associations must be integrated.
What is your assessment of this day?
Gilles Lazimi : It is positive, but resources must be provided so that staff have time to act. The results will remain positive if we continue to train, if we give the means to hospitals, if we continue teaching in faculty and with city professionals. For that, we will need strong involvement from the ministry, because we need the time to appropriate these tools.
The example of the network set up in Angers is magnificent: they have brought together staff from several departments. The link has been extended to all municipal, departmental, regional, associative and judicial structures. Regular training and discussion meetings should improve care.

These tools will be deployed within what timeframe?
Gilles Lazimi : These people must go to their hospital, take stock of the situation and the people concerned, set up IT tools, organize meetings… This will take time, but this time is necessary. A whole practice must be put in place, as well as protocols specific to each hospital.
I think that when they return they will be motivated. Many tools have been given to them. They will be able to provide training to staff, interns and other doctors themselves. These referents will be the best person to stimulate a dynamic and welcome the victims. They can guide victims to the hospital and direct them to the right people, including associations.
What are the advances to be expected?
Gilles Lazimi : We will still have to talk about samples, so that we can carry them out, keep them and place them under seal. Overall, the aim is to improve the reception and identification of female victims. This is why the link with the city was also mentioned. The emergency services see patients arrive and refer them to hospital or to the city. General practitioners therefore form an essential link. You cannot do anything alone, whether it is the hospital or a general practitioner. We must also integrate social workers, solve justice problems.