The 11 millionth Opel Corsa has rolled off the lines at the Zaragoza factory in Spain. The city car has been produced there since its birth in 1982. Did you know? It is one of the five most manufactured copies of all time by the manufacturer at the Blitz.
The Opel Corsa has just passed a milestone: that of 11 million units produced. On this occasion, the employees of the Zaragoza factory in Spain – where the city car has been assembled since its debut in 1982 – posed.
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Corsas still made in Spain

The Zaragoza plant was therefore born with the launch of the Opel Corsa. Like the city car, it opened its doors for the first time in 1982. Since then, the brand’s smallest model at the Blitz has never left the Iberian Peninsula. The sixth generation of Corsa has been assembled there since the end of 2019. It is also a 100% electric version (136 hp), in an orange hue, which has been awarded the title of “11 millionth model produced. “Skip this course, ” gives an idea of both the good work of the Zaragoza factory and the solidity of the Corsa concept, which has been able to succeed in very different times, conditions and markets ” estimates Pedro Lazarino, director of Opel for Spain and Portugal.

The Corsa has always been a strategic model for Opel. It is one of the two vehicles (alongside the Astra) best-selling by the German manufacturer. Today, the city car represents more than a third of the brand’s registrations on five continents. Did you know ? ” If all the Opel Corsas produced were lined up, they would go around the world and there would still be enough vehicles left to cover the distance between Zaragoza and Beirut. laughs the builder.
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